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About our School Board

About Our School Board

Board Updates & Announcements

3/5/25: A message from Superintendent Colosky and the Board

2/13/25 Board appoints Ben Anderson to fill board vacancy

The Bremerton School Board of Directors is made up of five citizens who are elected to serve four-year terms. Our school board also includes two student representatives from Bremerton High School. 

The Board's primary responsibilities are:

  • Adopting policies that ensure the District operates within state law (view our Policy Adoption Process);
  • Setting the vision and mission for the District and monitor progress with Superintendent and Board goals;
  • Adopting an annual budget for the District and having legal and fiduciary responsibility to the voters for its use;
  • Hiring a superintendent to manage the operation of the District and evaluating the superintendent's performance;
  • Serving as an elected representative between the school district and the community to ensure that local priorities are included in the education of children.

The Role of a School Board

Communicating with our School Board

    • You can reach the entire Board, including the Superintendent, by sending an email ( 
    • You can reach individual board members by clicking on the “Send a message” button under their photo on the “Meet Your Board Members” page
      • Note:  All correspondence regarding any school district subject are considered public records and subject to all public records laws.  
    • Written communication to the Board or Superintendent may be sent to Bremerton School District, 134 Marion Ave. N., Bremerton, WA 98312 attention: Bremerton School Board.
    • Note:  All correspondence regarding any school district subject are considered public records and subject to all public records laws. 
  • There is a public comment period during each regular meeting where visitors may address the Board. Each speaker has up to three minutes.

    To address the board during a meeting: 

    • You will need to submit a "Request to Address The Board" form.
      • This form can be downloaded here or is available at the sign-in table just prior to each regular meeting. 
    • Give the form to the Board Secretary Marlaina Simmons before the Board meeting begins.

    You may also comment prior to Board action on any specific action agenda item, by simply raising your hand during Board discussion.  Comments on agenda items are also limited to three minutes. 

  • You can reach School Board Directors on their District-issued mobile phones. Phone numbers are listed under Director bios on our "Meet Our School Board Directors" page. 

Get Involved!

All are welcome at Bremerton School Board meetings.