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Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials are all materials designed for use by students and their teachers as learning resources to help students to acquire facts, skills, and/or to develop cognitive processes. These instructional materials, used to help students meet state learning standards, may be printed or digital, and may include textbooks, technology-based materials, other educational media, and assessments.

Core Instructional Materials (curriculum)

Core Instructional Materials are the primary instructional resources for a given course or subject. They are district-approved and provided to all students to help meet essential learning standards and provide instruction aligned to course requirements and in support of achieving Bremerton School District Goals as identified in our Strategic Plan.

The Bremerton School Board is responsible for the improvement and growth of the educational program of the schools. Instructional materials will be evaluated, adopted and developed on a continuing basis. Instructional materials shall be selected to ensure alignment with state learning standards and enable all students to master essential standards and knowledge to achieve college and career readiness.

Curriculum Adoption
Information coming soon!

Questions? Need help?
For questions or assistance, please contact the Teaching for Learning team by email or call 360-473-1006.


Accessing Instructional Materials

Per policy 2020, the District will make all instructional materials available for public review. To request an appointment to review instructional materials, please contact the Teaching for Learning Team by email or call 360-473-1006.