MCEC has a wide variety of resources for parents and professionals on their website. In addition to their live and web-based trainings, they offer webinars and a podcast specifically developed for military families.
The MCEC Military Child Well-being Toolkit has been created to provide accessible social-emotional supports and resources directly to parents, educators, school counselors, administrators, and other youth-serving professionals working with military-connected youth. MCEC aligns this comprehensive resource with Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), Whole Child Design, Social Emotional Academic Development (S.E.A.D.), national resources, and the U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on Youth Mental Health (2021) to provide support for the overall well-being of military-connected children and youth.
MiC3 - Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3)is an agreement between all 50 states and D.C. to aid military children and families as they experience educational transitions. Their site provides numerous resourcesfor educators and familiesto use to support military students with MIC3.
Military One Source offers a variety of helpful content and services for military service members and their families. Their services include private, non-medical counseling, consultations and coaching, and life chat for individual questions.
The Tutor website is an online tutoring service that has partnered with the DoDto help support military-connected students. is free for all military-connected students.
Schoolquest is a free, online tool that helps parents of military-connected children to prepare for the frequent school moves and other unique stressors of a military lifestyle. The website serves as a virtual hub where parents and students can find helpful information, tools, and resources centralized on a single platform.