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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan
2024 - 2030

Our Unconditional Promise

Empowering your voice, your dream, your future.


Our Mission

The Bremerton School District together with families and community members, provides equitable education opportunities and supports for all students to provide them the foundation to live productive and rewarding lives.

Our Vision

As lifelong learners, our students will develop the confidence, skills and perseverance to choose their future and become thriving, contributing members and leaders of society.

Our Core Values

When students are empowered, they thrive, are self-determining, and develop a sense of purpose and hope for their future.

These are our core values:

  • Welcoming Environment

    Welcoming Environment

    Our community fosters a safe, supportive, consistent, and socially just culture for learning, work, and diverse perspectives
  • Trusting Relationships

    Trusting Relationships

    Our community thrives when they feel a strong sense of belonging, and THAT is at the heart of everything we do.
  • Lifelong Learning

    Lifelong Learning

    Our community grows when engaged in rigorous, relevant, and continuous learning.
  • Unwavering Support

    Unwavering Support

    Our community excels when we deliver the necessary resources needed to succeed.

Our Theory of Action

If we, as a responsive, central office team, create relevant, well-defined, accessible systems and processes that are clearly communicated, efficient, and predictable…

...then principals will intentionally create a culture of authentic collaboration and predictable systems of support to ensure continuous improvement of instructional practices, then…

teachers can plan high quality lessons based on timely and targeted data to facilitate collaborative learning opportunities that are personalized, authentic and meaningful, so that…

students are empowered to use their voice to engage and collaborate in academic discourse to be future-ready in a changing world.

Portrait of a Graduate

Collaborator & CommunicatorCollaborator & Communicator

  • Demonstrates empathy and compassion
  • Seeks contributions from diverse perspectives
  • Advocates for self and others with integrity

Resilient  Learner Explores ideas with Resilient Learner

  • Explores ideas with curiosity and an open mind
  • Views challenges as opportunities to learn
  • Applies creativity, critical thinking, resourcefulness, and flexibility when approaching tasks and solving problems

Responsible  & AccountableResponsible & Accountable

  • Assumes ownership of actions through thoughtful reflection and feedback
  • Displays self-determination and persistence in academic work
  • Takes actions that advance both personal and community need

Mindful of Health & WellbeingMindful of Health & Wellbeing

  • Makes informed and constructive choices about personal behaviors and social interactions
  • Utilizes positive self-regulation skills
  • Develops positive relationships and well-being practices

Future-Ready GraduateFuture-Ready Graduate

  • Holds a positive vision for the future, aligned to personal interests and strengths
  • Connects resources and opportunities to achieve goals
  • Demonstrates proficiency in core academics and readiness for future careers

Our Goals & Measure of Success


GOAL #1 Students build a Strong Foundation, PreK-Grade 3

Our students will engage in research-based, developmentally appropriate instruction to meet benchmarks in social-emotional learning, mathematics, and literacy. MEASURES OF SUCCESS > Percent of students participating in high-quality pre-kindergarten opportunities > Percent of students demonstrating readiness for Kindergarten > Percent of students proficient on state standards in English Language Arts, Math, and Social-Emotional Learning at the end of 3rd grade


GOAL #2 Students feel Safe, Connected, & Engaged

Our students will thrive in a safe, responsive, and inclusive environment that fosters a sense of belonging and empowers high-level engagement in school and class. MEASURES OF SUCCESS > Percent of students participating in regular attendance > Percent of students who feel safe, included, engaged in trusting relationships, belong, and involved in extracurricular/ co-curricular activities > Percent of students showing growth and meeting social-emotional learning (SEL) standards


GOAL #3 Students experience Continuous Academic Growth & Achievement

Our students will engage in high-quality learning experiences and formal systems of support to achieve academic proficiency. MEASURES OF SUCCESS > Percent of students showing growth and meeting state standards in English Language Arts, Math/Algebra, and Science > Percent of students showing growth and meeting essential standards on district common assessments > Percent of students participating in and showing growth from formalized systems for academic supports


GOAL #4 Students are Prepared for a Changing World

Our students will graduate from high school with a clear post-secondary plan that will enable them to transition from high school successfully. MEASURES OF SUCCESS > Percent of students completing 9th grade with passing grades in all subjects > Increase in on-time graduation rates > Percent of students demonstrating readiness for post-secondary experiences through the High School and Beyond plan and attainment of Portrait of a Graduate standards

Strategic Planning Process

Our strategic plan was developed with students, teachers, staff, family and community members during the 2023-24 school year. More than 200 people contributed their voice through surveys, and we held 29 planning sessions (totaling more than 100 hours of meetings!) with more than 180 participants.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to our strategic planning process. We’re excited to turn our vision into reality with the support of the Bremerton community!

Download the 2-page strategic plan document here (updated August 2024).