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Long Range Facilities Plan

Long Range Facilities Plan

The Bremerton School District is committed to providing safe, secure and comfortable schools that promote a learning environment for students, teachers, staff, parents and the community.


During the 2022-23 school year, the District updated its long-range facilities plan (LRFP). The facilities planning committee, with input from staff and community members, evaluated our facilities across the district and prioritized our investment in our future. We evaluated existing facilities in relation to the District's educational program standards, enrollment trends and forecast, capital maintenance and improvement needs, and projected facility demands for the next 20 years.

Our Bremerton community has a longstanding tradition of supporting and investing in every child and all of our schools because WE ARE BREMERTON! In return, we invest in our community and our future.

Our track record of fiscal responsibility keeps us continually investing in our neighborhoods. We know by investing in our schools and community, we attract people to Bremerton and retain them, resulting in increased jobs and great neighborhoods.

We invite you to view the presentation from the July 11 Board Work Study session, review the final plan and appendix.    

Summer 2023 Community Forums

View the presentation from our summer 2023 community forums, during which we shared the high priority facitilies needs, as identified in the new Long Range Facilities Plan.

Demographic Update at the 2/2/23 Bremerton School Board MeetingDemographic Update 2/2/23

Thank you for your input!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts in our fall 2022 ThoughtExchange! View a summary of the results.

Thanks to all who attended our parent and community open house on December 13!