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Title I and the Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

Title I and the Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

Title 1 is a federal education program designed to provide customized instruction and curricula that helps students meet academic standards.

Title I, Part A:  Closing Educational Achievement Gaps

Title I, Part A is the oldest and largest federal education program. It is intended to ensure that all students have fair, equal, and significant opportunities to obtain a high-quality education and reach--at a minimum-- proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

One-third of the public schools in Washington state operate Title I, Part A programs - including the Bremerton School District.

Title I, Part C:  Migrant Education

The Washington State Migrant Education Program (MEP) is federally funded to ensure high-quality education programs and supplemental support services for migratory children. Migratory families often have trouble receiving continuous, high-quality educational services because of their high rate of mobility, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, health-related problems, disruption of their children’s education, and the lack of resources in the areas in which they live and work.


For questions about Title 1, LAP or any of our state or federal education programs, please contact our team by email or call 360-473-1077.

Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) provides supplemental instruction and services to students who need academic support for reading, writing, and math, or the readiness to learn these core subjects. With special emphasis on the early grades, schools use their state LAP funds to design programs that give these students the strong start they need for academic success. Bremerton School District has a LAP reading specialist at each elementary supporting students.

Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Reading Specialists

Armin Jahr Elementary

Patricia Ellerby
Dennis Haugan
Ivellis Botti

Crownhill Elementary

Kristi Gile

Kitsap Lake Elementary

Tracy Baltutat

Naval Avenue Elementar

Kimberly Sandusky

View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy

Nancy Braunz
Julie Morse

West Hills STEM Academy

Stephanie Codorniz
Ashley Rundhaug
Lisa Elm

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP)

Each school is responsible for developing their own Comprehensive School Improvement (CSIP) plan, in collaboration with parents, staff, and administrators. These plans outline how Title I/LAP monies will be used to promote student achievement. 

View your school’s CSIP report

The 2024-25 CSIP were presented to the board during a special study session, and approved at the November 14 board meeting. The presentation can be viewed online.  To request a copy of your school’s full CSIP plan or year-end report, please contact the Teaching For Learning Team by email or at 360-473-1006. 

Your help is needed!

If you are interested in serving on your school’s Title 1 / LAP committee or being a part of developing your child’s school’s CSIP plan, please contact your school's principal.

Title 1 Annual Meetings

Each year, every school hosts a Title 1 annual meeting to inform families about Title 1 programs available in the school, and provide input on the school’s CSIP plan.  The District also hosts an annual meeting to provide families an opportunity to ask questions about District policy and programs, and provide feedback. Watch for information from your school about the dates and locations of these important meetings. All are welcome!