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Media Guidelines

Media Guidelines

Media are welcome to attend and cover Bremerton School District-sponsored student events, access District facilities, and attend public School Board Meetings within the following guidelines.

Media guidelines for Bremerton School District-sponsored events

Media are welcome to attend and cover Bremerton School District-sponsored student events.  

  • Media presence at District- or school-sponsored events should not interfere with or negatively impact student or event spectators’ experience.
  • The District reserves the right to:
    • Restrict media access during a BSD-sponsored event.
    • Ask media to leave the school-sponsored event if their presence or actions are disruptive or interfering with students or spectators.

We ask that all working media attending/covering a Bremerton School District-sponsored event adhere to the following guidelines:

  • All working media members wanting to attend/cover a BSD-sponsored student event must have current media ID/credentials.
  • Prior to or immediately upon arrival at any BSD-sponsored event, media members are asked to sign-in online.
  • Media members should enter through the main gate or entrance with spectators unless other arrangements have been made with the District Communication Director or a school administrator.
  • Working media members (up to two per media organization with credentials) may enter events for free if they are attending to cover the District- or school-sponsored event.
  • If interacting with students, parents, staff or other attendees during an event, media members must identify themselves and the media outlet for which they work.
  • To protect the safety of all students and spectators, only coaches and authorized students and staff are allowed on the Memorial Stadium track and field and behind the stage in the Performing Arts Center during school-sponsored events.
    • Media wishing to request on-field or back-stage access must contact the Communications Department three days prior to the event. 

Media Contact

Karen Bevers
Director of Communications
Bremerton School District

Student Interviews

To request an interview with a student for a feature or news story (other than sports), please contact the Communications Department. 

For permission to interview an athlete at a BSD-sponsored athletic event, please contact the school’s Athletic Department.

Media Sign-In Form

Media: Please click the button below and complete the sign-in form when you arrive on our campus to cover a Bremerton School District-sponsored event. Thank you!

Media Sign In Form

District Facilities

Media access of District Facilities (outside of school hours)

Memorial Stadium, Mountain View Middle School fields, and elementary playgrounds are open to the public after school hours and on weekends.

  • Media presence should not interfere with students using the facility for team practice or individual exercise.
  • No spectators or media are allowed in the lower level (track or field) of Memorial Stadium during any student practices.
    • Spectators and media members should stay in the grandstands or on the upper-level sidewalk surrounding the stadium.
  • Any photos or videos taken must:
    • Be taken in a way that individual students are not identifiable or
    • Be cleared for parent opt-out by the District Communications Director, Athletic Director, building principal or designee.
    • NOT show plays or formations that would put the Knights at a disadvantage against their opponent(s) (if photos are taken during sports practices).

Media Guidelines for School Board meetings

Members of the media are welcome at public meetings of the Bremerton School Board. All working media members wanting to attend/cover a Bremerton School District board meeting must have current media ID/credentials. Prior to or immediately upon arrival at a board meeting, media members are asked to connect with Karen Bevers, District Communication Director in-person, or by phone/text at 360-900-3842.

Members of the media and media equipment shall be required to video and photograph meetings from a designated media representative area of the room in which the School Board meeting is being held. Media representatives shall cooperate with district staff regarding placement of equipment, photography and video requirements or be subject to removal from the meeting.