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Kindergarten Countdown!

We are excited to welcome our youngest learners to the Bremerton School District community and provide them with a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning!

Kindergarten registration for 2025-26 is open!

The Bremerton School District offers free, all-day kindergarten at all six of our elementary schools. Kindergarten is available to children who live in or have childcare in the Bremerton School District attendance area, and Jackson Park residents.  Out-of-district students can participate based on availability. 

Specialty programs

We offer specialty programs & services including:

Additionally, two of our elementary schools offer the “House” system.

Kindergarten registration

Registration for the 2025-26 school year is open! 

There are three ways to register:

  1. Online
  2. At your neighborhood school
  3. At the District office

Find your neighborhood school

Not sure what school your student will attend? We invite you to find your neighborhood school >

Open enrollment

Open enrollment allows elementary students to attend a school outside of their neighborhood attendance area as space allows. Learn more about open enrollment > 

Choice transfer

Students who live outside the District’s boundaries are welcome to attend Bremerton School District Schools, as space allows, and parents are willing to provide transportation. Learn more about choice transfer > 

Don’t wait to register!

We encourage you to register your child for kindergarten early because we can't wait until fall to welcome you to our school community.

Questions? Concerns?

We are here to help.

For questions about kindergarten programs, please contact our Teaching for Learning Team by email or call 360-473-1077. 

For questions about kindergarten registration, please contact your child's school, or our Student Data team by email or call 360-473-1076 for assistance!

Kindergarten Countdown Events 2025

A group of children raise their hands in excitement for kindergarten registration, with a colorful rocket graphic and the text 'Kindergarten Countdown!'
























Family Information Sessions

Do you have a child who will be starting kindergarten in the fall? Or perhaps you know someone who does? This event is for our incoming kindergarten families! 

Join us to learn what to expect and things you can do to help prepare your student for kindergarten. You can get help with registration and ask questions!

Wednesday, March 26, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Thursday, March 27, 5:30 – 6:30 pm

At the District office (134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton)

Information will be provided in English & Spanish!

Childcare will be provided!

View/download the flyer

View/download the flyer (Spanish)


Kindergarten Carousel with guest speaker

April 23  – information coming soon!


School Orientations

May – information coming soon!


Kindergarten Carousel

August  – information coming soon!

Kindergarten Family Connections

The first day of school for kindergarten is Friday, September 5, 2025

Our kindergarten students don’t start on the first day of school for the District!  Our elementary schools participate in Kindergarten Family Connections - also known as Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) transition process.

During the first week of school for the District, kindergarten students and their guardians will be invited to the school to have an individual meeting with their kindergarten teacher. During this meeting, the teachers get to know more about your child. There will also be some time for your child to see and learn specific routines of their classroom.

Kindergarten parents can expect to hear from their child's teacher in late August (after class lists are finalized).

Calendar & School Hours

Early Entrance Testing for Kindergarten

Your child must be five years old by August 31 to start kindergarten. Children who turn five between September 1st and October 31st may be eligible to enroll in kindergarten if they pass an Early Entrance Test. There is an $80 non-refundable fee for this test (scholarships are available). Please contact the Special Programs Department at 360-473-1061 to find out when testing will take place. No make-up tests will be given.

The testing takes 1.5 hours to complete using the DIBELS (Dynamic Inventory of Basic Early Literacy Skills) and the DIAL-R (Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning). To find out more about our kindergarten or Early Entrance program, please email or call us at at 360-473-1061.